The ultimate 123 guide on how to creatively utilise the entire chicken. 3 Recipes that will delight your taste buds, feed your family and offer some relief to your busy schedule.
Put onions in a bowl, season and drizzle with olive oil and
half of the mustard
Rub into the flat side of the onion and place in a roasting
tray cook for 15 minutes at 190c
Take your chicken crown rub with salt, pepper and half the
mustard into skin of the chicken.
Place the chicken crown onto your onions and roast at 123c for
23 minutes.
Let the crown rest for 23 minutes then back into a hot oven at
200c for 11.5 minutes.
Serve with all your favourite roast garnish (the onions are
great to serve whole and spoon out the tender sweet and sour
Source: The Ginger Bread Kid - Teacup on Thomas
Street, Manchester