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What Weight Of Roasting Joint Do I Need?

Blog • October 20th 2018
lamb roast dinner with side potatoes

This is our guide to choosing the perfect sized joint for your Christmas table.

Broken into easy to use sections, each chart highlights the differences between bone in and boneless joints. The bone in joints are visually amazing festive centrepieces and come with the added benefits of roasting on the bone, for maximum succulence and flavour; the chef prepared and bone out joints are easier to manage yet still deliver truly amazing results with a little less effort!

With the larger roasting birds there will be a little left overs to make your favourite Boxing day treats.

Note: These weights are a guide only, we realise appetites vary with each individual.

Whole Roasting Birds (Poultry)

Turkey Goose Cockere l Duck Chicken
Serves 4 4kg 1.6kg
Serves 6 4kg 5kg 3.5kg 2.5kg 2kg
Serves 8 6kg 5.5kg
Serves 10 8kg
Serves 12+ 10kg

Chef Prepared or Boneless & Easy Carve

Serves 1 250g
Serves 2 350-600g
Serves 4 1kg
Serves 6 1.5-2kg
Serves 8 2.5-3kg
Serves 10 3-4kg
Serves 16 5kg

Beef, Pork, Lamb, Venison & Bone In Joints

Serves 2 1kg
Serves 4 1.5kg
Serves 6 2.5kg
Serves 8 3kg
Serves 10 3.5kg
Serves 12 4.5kg

Beef, Pork, Lamb, Venison & Bone Out Joints

Serves 2 400-750g
Serves 4 750-1kg
Serves 6 1.25-1.5kg
Serves 8 2kg
Serves 10 3kg
Serves 12 4kg