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stir fried spring greens with ginger and chives


A wonderfully healthy and light meal. Perfect for a warm spring day.


  1. Blanch spring greens in a pan of boiling salted water for 1 minute then drain.
  2. Refresh in cold water and gently squeeze out excess water.
  3. Next take a wok or non stick frying pan and heat up.
  4. Add sesame oil, then garlic, chilli and ginger and quickly cook in oil taking care not to burn.
  5. Add spring greens and toss for 2 minutes.
  6. Add soy and mirin.
  7. Cook for 1 minute always on high heat.
  8. Finally add spring greens and chives.
  9. Serve immediately.

Note: Great with a roast duck as centre piece and bowls of simple steamed Jasmine rice

Note: Alternatively this stir fry would go well with grilled salmon and some soft noodles.

Source: My collection - Jeff Baker - J Bakers Bistro Moderne