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 rare breed ham hock macaroni cheese


This is a delicious twist on the traditional macaroni cheese.


  1. Cook hocks for 3 hours till tender then leave to cool in stock.
  2. When cool pull meat away from bones and fat.
  3. Mix pasta into béchamel.
  4. Add capers, mustard, parsley and season.
  5. Next fold through picked ham hock to a ratio of 60% macaroni to 40% meat.
  6. Grate the cheese and stir in 2/3 into mix.
  7. Place in earthenware dish.
  8. Add remaining cheese and bake for 25 minutes in hot oven 185° c till piping hot.
  9. Great for a family lunch or maybe a simple supper whilst watching your favourite TV.
  10. Bottled beer and crisp green salads work well.
  11. Leftover stock is good for pea or lentil soups.

Source: My collection - Jeff Baker - J Bakers Bistro Moderne