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pheasant breast cooked with cabbage


Our full flavoured Pheasant breasts together with this creamy savoy and pancetta cabbage is sure to delight.


How to Cook Pheasant Breast with Savoy Cabbage

  1. Preheat a heavy based frying pan to a low temperature
  2. Season the breasts just prior to cooking
  3. Don't overcrowd the cooking base, a couple of medium sized breasts per pan
  4. Place the breasts on the skin to crisp a little until golden before searing on the flesh side for 1 minute
  5. Add 100ml of water, chicken or game stock to an oven tray
  6. Place the breasts in skin side up
  7. Place in a pre heated oven 200ºc for 8 to 10 minutes for a moist breast, best served slightly pink
  8. Finish by adding a large knob of butter to the pan juices and stir into to create a gravy
  9. Leave to rest in a warm place for at least 5 minutes before carving
  10. The breasts will become more firm as they cook. Gently press with your thumb, the more spring back you get the hotter the protein cells have expanded and the more your pheasant will be cooked

Creamy Savoy Cabbage & Nidderdale Pancetta

  1. Melt the butter in a heavy based pan
  2. Add the pancetta & cook until golden
  3. Add the garlic, thyme leaves & cook for 2 minutes
  4. Add the cream & bring to simmer
  5. Season to taste with nutmeg, salt & pepper
  6. Thicken the cream whilst simmering with the cornflour mix
  7. Shred cabbage and blanch in boiling salted water for 5 minutes then refresh in ice cold water
  8. Gently squeeze all the excess water from the cabbage & fold through the sauce