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cooked haggis on toast with brown sauce and fried egg


Inspired from one of my all time favourite places to go The Broad Chare, another one of Terry Laybourne's' amazing venues. This is a lovely breakfast, lunch or supper alternative and a great way to use up any leftover haggis.


  • Bring the stock to a boil, remove from heat and whisk in the brown sauce, keep hot.
making the sauce
  • Butter the toast then evenly spread the haggis onto the toast & keep hot.
toast and haggis
  • Gently fry the eggs in the schmaltz or oil leaving the yolk runny then place on top of the haggis & sprinkle with a little sea salt.
  • Pour the sauce around the toast, scatter with parsley & serve straight away.

to serve:

  • This goes really well with a glass of dark beer or a wee dram of your favourite whiskey!
cooked haggis on toast with brown sauce and fried egg