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chestnut sage onion chipolatas


  1. Remove your Chestnut, Sage & Onion Chipolatas out of the packaging and pat dry any moisture
  2. Gently heat your heavy based non-stick frying pan, we must not get too hot otherwise the bangers will explode when cooking
  3. Brush the non stick fry pan with the finest film of oil possible
  4. Don't overcrowd the cooking base, the Chestnut, Sage & Onion Chipolatas must sit flat and have enough room to turn over
  5. Cook over medium heat turning regular until each Chestnut, Sage & Onion Chipolata reaches a rich golden colour around 6 to 7 minutes for thinner sausage
  6. Leave to rest in a warm place at least 3 to 4 minutes
  7. The Chestnut, Sage & Onion Chipolatas will become more firm as they cook, gently press with your thumb, the more spring back you get the hotter the protein cells have expand which means the more well done your sausages will be.