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cooked beef featherblade in red wine


beef featherblade in red wine recipe ingredients
  1. The day before cooking, marinade the beef in red wine with the garlic, herbs and peppercorns, ideally in a zip lock bag to fully cover. The next day, remove the beef from the wine and pat dry, reserving the wine mix for later.
  2. Preheat the oven to 160°C or 140°C fan assisted (gas 3).
  3. In a heavy based casserole dish over a medium high heat, sear the beef and vegetables until nicely browned, remove and keep to one side.
  4. Add the tomato paste, mustard, reserved wine mixture and reduce by half, then pour over the stock, bring to a boil and thicken with the cornflour mix before placing the beef and vegetables back in the casserole dish.
  5. Place in the oven covered and braise for 3 hours, turning after 2 hours, basting regularly with the stock or until the beef is tender when pierced with a skewer.
  6. Remove the beef from the stock, place on a warmed deep serving dish and cover with foil to keep warm.
  7. Reduce the red wine stock until you reach a rich sauce like consistency, season to taste then pass the sauce over the beef.
  8. Serve straight away.
beef featherblade in pot


  • Serve with glazed carrots, boiled potatoes with parsley and roasted vegetables with extra mustard at the table.
cooked beef featherblade in red wine