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dublin coddle sausage and bacon stew


An Irish favourite, there's no real recipe, it's a mix up of typical things you may find in an Irish larder, fun & simple to prepare!


sausage and bacon stew raw

Cooking method

  1. Preheat oven to 140°C for fan-assisted or 160°C for ovens without a fan (gas 3)
  2. Preheat a heavy based frying pan over medium high heat with a little schmaltz or butter & pan-fry the sausages for 5 to 6 minutes, turning frequently on all sides until golden brown
  3. In the same pan fry the bacon (pancetta) until golden then keep to one side
  4. Next, add the onions to the bacon fat & cook over medium heat until lightly caramelized then sprinkle over the flour & continue to cook out for a minute or so then pour over the stout & reduce by half
  5. Add the sausage, bacon, thyme & potatoes to the pan & cover
  6. Place in a preheated oven for 2 hours or until everything is fully cooked & the potatoes tender
  7. Remove from the oven then fold through chopped parsley & season to taste

Serving suggestion

Serve with braised & pickled cabbage, soda bread and a glass of Irish stout.

dublin coddle cooked on platter