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Great served with puy lentils and garlic sausage French style or with sautéed potatoes in the same duck fat and a bitter green salad with walnut vinaigrette.


  1. Rub duck legs with salt and aromatics ,everything except fat and marinade for 24 hours.
  2. When cured be sure to rub off all the marinade (salt), rinse in cold water for a few seconds then pat dry.
  3. Place in heavy bottomed pan and cover with fat.
  4. Bring to a simmer on low gas then turn to minimum heat ensuring the fat does not boil as this will dry out the duck.
  5. Gently simmer for between 2 1/2 and 3 hours till tender and meat can be easily pierced with a sharp knife.
  6. Cool in fat and store till required ,up to a month in a sterile jar.
  7. To crisp up carefully remove from fat and place in a cool non stick pan with oven proof handle.
  8. Place in preheated oven 230°C for approximately 12 minutes till golden and crispy skin and duck is hot all the way through.
  9. Note : Duck goes in oven skin side down to crisp.
  10. Note: Duck fat can be used over and over again.

Source: My collection - Jeff Baker - J Bakers Bistro Moderne