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Win a Whole Baby Stilton Cheese!

Blog • April 29th 2013
baby stilton cheese whole

Fancy yourself a bit of a bard? Know your Thomas from your Tennyson? The difference between a sonnet and a stanza? More importantly do you know your way around a good cheese?

Right now we have a Whole Baby Stilton - weighing in at 2.2kg - ready to be eaten. Smooth and creamy, and complete with distinct blue veins, this truly is the stuff of love poetry.

We want you to give it - or any cheese for that matter - poetic justice. Pen an ode to cheese in whatever form you like, from limerick to ballad, then send it in to [email protected] or tweet it to us @farmisonUK and this bundle of joy could be on its way to you.

If you want to further show off your literary accomplishments pop your poem on our Facebook wall: though don't forget to enter you need to send your contact details to the email address above.

Our panel, well versed in both poetry and cheese, will pick their favourite rhyme on Friday April 19th, and we'll be emailing the winner to arrange how to drop off this inspirational lump of cheese.

Know someone with a way of words, and a weakness for cheese, Facebook or Tweet this to 'em!