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The Tour de France: Our Grand Depart Sausage

Blog • July 1st 2014

It's almost here: The whistle of the wind as cyclists zip down the Buttertubs, the roar of the crowd at the Harrogate finish line, the pain of Kidstones Pass.

Stage One of the Tour de France is passing us right on our doorstep, bringing thousands to the area, and focusing the eyes of the world on our patch. The beautiful and pristine countryside you'll see on television (and in person if you're lucky enough to be going!) is where most of our meat comes from, with many of our farms on the tour route.

On the outskirts of Harrogate, there's Woodcock Hill Farm, near Ripon the Nook, on the banks of the Aire there's Royd House Farm, and in Wharfedale there's Manderlea Farm.

sausages of chicken

We'll be there, cheering on Froome and our own local lad Cavendish, while to celebrate the most famous of bicycle races passing through our home we're launching our own commerative Grand Depart sausage, showcasing the best tastes of the county.

Made with Yorkshire chicken and pork, as well as fresh tarragon, it's well worth a try, especially if you're often in the saddle. The sausage is a cyclist's dream: lean, nutritious, and delicious!


If you're watching the tour on telly, (hopefully munching on our Grand Depart sausages!) keep your eyes peeled for the local landmarks and our farms. You can find our farm by farm guide here. Many of our herds and flocks are reared along the Tour route, so you'll be able to see the lush pastures and stunning vistas they enjoy.