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March Update From The Dales

Blog • February 27th 2018
little lambs on grass

March marks the coming of Spring and the beginning of calving and lambing season. The busiest time of year for our farmers, they'll be tirelessly tending to their young livestock throughout the coming months, as they need a lot of care and attention while they grow.

As our farmers tend to the newborn livestock and their mothers, March is a time we appreciate our own mothers for their ongoing affection and support. Mother's Day falls on the 11th March this year, meaning celebrations are just around the corner. Find Mum's favourite roast in our vast selection of joints, then cook up a memorable feast in her honour.

Whether it's a family affair or a dinner shared between the two of you, we have centrepieces to suit all tastes and tables. Show your affection on this special day, treat her to a delicious heritage breed roast, homecooked with love.

Roasts we think Mum will love:

Beef Sirloin Joint

Yorkshire Free Range Loose Birds Whole Chicken

Pork Middle Loin

Mini Lamb Leg Joint

Rolled Fore Rib of Beef

All the best,

Lee & John